Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So I’ve been stuck… I’m not sure why but I feel stuck and a bit depressed.  I think I’ve maxed out my card…  I’ve always been big on setting goal so I know what I’m doing with my life.  I set them and make ways to reach them.  They aren’t always big goal but either way just a map to my life so I know what direction to take.  But now I’ve stopped. 
I feel like I can’t plan anything anymore.  I’m stuck in a corporate world were I can’t seem to move up.  The horrible economy has really done a number on jobs and it seems I’m never qualified enough to do anything and at this point know one is willing to give me a try.  I’m no longer considered a recent college grad but I still can’t find THE JOB.  I don’t want to live like a slave getting 3 week vacations a year!!! That’s insane so I’m in the search for something better for me something that will make me happy….. but how do I plan when I have someone else now…. My husband…. He doesn’t plan!!!  I’m all over the place… This is how I feel
I need a book

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