Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poop Gives Better Fruit! "Vanguard: World Toilet Crisis"

Yes apparently some places in the world use human poop as fertilizer to fertilize their crops. I first heard of this last night. As I skipped through my channels, I stopped at the "Current" channel that had a piece on toilets, Vanguard: Worlds’ Toilet Crisis. The show was amazing!! I can’t believe how some people still live. People in India and Indonesia still defecate outside and clean themselves with water and their hands!!! This piece was put together nicely. It was actually tolerable to watch and very informative.

This is human poop that has been turned into fertilizer.

Out on the fields pooping, either in India or Indonesia

In some poor rural parts of the world it is a way of life. Sadly these act contaminate the water supply and cause many illnesses.

Food Note: The toilet crisis also talked about how poop is being collected in septic tanks to later be used as fertilizer!! YES HUMAN POOP USED FOR FERTILIZER!! They even mentioned how crops fertilized with human poop is considered to fall under guidelines of "organic" food. I really hope that this is not the case for food grown or imported into the United States. Either way it made me think maybe other countries, beside India and Indonesia, were doing this too so I Googled and these are just some of the links and pics I found!!

One of the links below talks about human fertilizer used to grow
tomatoes better and more tomatoes in one harvest!!

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