Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What I want.....

1. I want a bigger house. Not much more bigger.. More like a 4 bedroom house with huge bedrooms. NO BASEMENT....I'm scared it will flood.. but definitly a HUGE yard I want to do alot with my outdoor space.  With a court and a pool!!!
So I’ve been stuck… I’m not sure why but I feel stuck and a bit depressed.  I think I’ve maxed out my card…  I’ve always been big on setting goal so I know what I’m doing with my life.  I set them and make ways to reach them.  They aren’t always big goal but either way just a map to my life so I know what direction to take.  But now I’ve stopped. 
I feel like I can’t plan anything anymore.  I’m stuck in a corporate world were I can’t seem to move up.  The horrible economy has really done a number on jobs and it seems I’m never qualified enough to do anything and at this point know one is willing to give me a try.  I’m no longer considered a recent college grad but I still can’t find THE JOB.  I don’t want to live like a slave getting 3 week vacations a year!!! That’s insane so I’m in the search for something better for me something that will make me happy….. but how do I plan when I have someone else now…. My husband…. He doesn’t plan!!!  I’m all over the place… This is how I feel
I need a book

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It’s that time of year again when we start switching over to our winter clothes!!! So after many years of looking fabulously cute in a thin $40 dollar plastic jacket and freeing my behind I promised myself that this year I would go out of my way 1 to buy something nice but 2 that would keep me warm!!!  So I have started my investigation on winter boots.  Actually I should say snow boots.  I live in CHICAGO!!! And don’t own a pair of descent winter boots.  I need something good that will really keep me warm.  The first boot in my head UGG boots.

UGGS ARE MADE IN CHINA PEOPLE….. Does this really matter… uggg I don’t know but I feel you should know.  Also the word Ugg is a generic term used when talking about sheepskin boots in general, but it was made famous by Deckers.

I did my homework on Ugg Australia and this is what I found from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

“Unable to find the boots in stores, UGG fans turned to eBay, often paying three or four times the retail price. Not everyone got what they paid for, however. Receiving their eagerly anticipated purchase via international mail, customers around the world were dismayed to find they had mistakenly purchased not UGG boots, but uggs— sheepskin boots manufactured by one of UGG’s many Australian competitors. While generic uggs have been a cottage industry in Australia for decades, their homespun image was in stark contrast to the luxury image Deckers was cultivating in the States, and it appeared consumers weren’t buying it.”  From the WSJ

Below is also a snap shot of one of the pages from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL


Im still trying to figure out where I want to take this blog.... Looking at other blogs I've learned I like blogs with lot of pictures lol I need to figure this out.... Mean while Ill add another thing to the 2010 list I will be laughing about in 2011 but DEFENITLY NOT in 2010.  323. Dri feeds the mice outside of our home only to have them come in looking for more food!!! 324. Dri leaves my car running all night until it runs out of gas, doesnt realize it until the next morning when I need it to get to work...................... and the list grows

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poop Gives Better Fruit! "Vanguard: World Toilet Crisis"

Yes apparently some places in the world use human poop as fertilizer to fertilize their crops. I first heard of this last night. As I skipped through my channels, I stopped at the "Current" channel that had a piece on toilets, Vanguard: Worlds’ Toilet Crisis. The show was amazing!! I can’t believe how some people still live. People in India and Indonesia still defecate outside and clean themselves with water and their hands!!! This piece was put together nicely. It was actually tolerable to watch and very informative.

This is human poop that has been turned into fertilizer.

Out on the fields pooping, either in India or Indonesia

In some poor rural parts of the world it is a way of life. Sadly these act contaminate the water supply and cause many illnesses.

Food Note: The toilet crisis also talked about how poop is being collected in septic tanks to later be used as fertilizer!! YES HUMAN POOP USED FOR FERTILIZER!! They even mentioned how crops fertilized with human poop is considered to fall under guidelines of "organic" food. I really hope that this is not the case for food grown or imported into the United States. Either way it made me think maybe other countries, beside India and Indonesia, were doing this too so I Googled and these are just some of the links and pics I found!!

One of the links below talks about human fertilizer used to grow
tomatoes better and more tomatoes in one harvest!!





Labor Day Weekend!!!

After a long weekend of rest and parties, I’m back! This past Friday we had family over our house. Dri and I made treats for the kids like popcorn in a paper cone and marshmallows dipped in chocolate!

We also had a Tupperware bingo game where you pay $20 dollars and play like 10 games of “Loteria” Mexican Bingo. The winner of each game got a Tupperware product. I thought this was a great idea to get ride of old merchandise and make room for new one.

On Sunday I went to Fer’s 1st Birthday party. Almost everything was hand made by Fer’s mom. It was the cutest 1st Birthday I’ve attended and I’m glad I was there to help.

Friday, September 3, 2010


So I am trying this new concept….living simple. Some may think that that means living frugally or cheap but I guess it depends how you see things.

Ever since I got married I have been trying to find a good balance of keeping the house clean, working, and still enjoy my 20’s. Because I am a newly wed, it was hard to balance the unpacking, the remodeling, fixing and decorating of our new house. We planned a wedding and bought a house all in 4 month's time. It was exciting but also draining. I felt like most of that summer's weekends were consumed by projects around the house. I wanted my house to be nice and warm…but it just wasn’t working out that way. Somehow I quickly manage to get every closet full of stuff because I felt like we needed EVERYTHING! And I think I felt that the more stuff I had the more “homey” our house would look.

Well after an exhausting year of projects I was just about done with the house! The more we fixed the more that broke…well not really, but it just never ended.

In March I got a real bad case of acid reflux, stomach issues. I’ve had reflux episodes in the past that usually cleared up on their own after a few weeks. But this time it was different, I couldn't get better. My stomach would hurt when I would eat and I constantly needed to burp but the burps would take forever to come out. I started to get really anxious about eating outside of my home. Slowly I just couldn't function right, I didn’t ever want to go out and I never wanted to do anything around the house.

The problem was that I was feeling so sick and then I’d look around my home and didn’t know where to start, there was so much stuff (I mean there really wasn’t, probably not much more then any other ordinary household but I was sick and it just seem so overwhelming.)

Soon I started to realized that my Saturday was for laundry and cleaning, Sunday was the one day anything goes…Sundays were my day to do anything I wanted, but Monday through Friday I had to work. After work I'd come home, clean up whatever I could in about 1 hour, make dinner, shower, relax and then, once again, get ready for the next day of work. So really, the only day I had free to do anything was Sunday.

This just seemed so wrong! How could I just get one day to myself?? I love to read and I love to sew and do creative projects, why couldn’t I do that stuff?…or more like, when will I get to do that stuff?!! I got a really nice digital picture frame from my cousin I was SOOOO excited, here it was, months later, and I still hadn’t found time for it.

This lead to the way I want to live my life…I want to live simple so that I have time to live!! I don’t want to have soooo much clothes that I spend most of my Saturday washing and hanging when I could be doing stuff I love.

Since then I’ve started to read books. I have a library card and check out books all the time. I only buy books if I feel that I might refer back to them, such as "Skinny bitch." I really enjoyed that book. I hope to share more about that later in my posts. I also spend more time with family, going over for dinner or just going to the beach.

I go through my things on a daily basis and put stuff aside to donate. Slowly my closet is shrinking. I actually have some room now to look through my clothes.
I’ve also started to make cute little projects and decorations for parties. I can’t wait to start posting all my work!!
Living simpler should give me more time to do the things I want to do. I SAID “LIVING SIMPLIER” because I'm not saying I’m going to be stingy or deprive my self of things. I will get and do what I really want.