Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ok... I think I'm finally up and running!! I don't even know where to start or what to type!! I just hope this post works!!  Ugg I can already tell that texting has influenced my spelling!!  Food Fact from watching TV... a burger should be thinner in the middle so it can cook more evenly because the edges cook faster.
I bet this is boring... I just don't want to give you a full resume and every detail of my life this 1st post... that just sees like it should come with time from my posts.
On another note.  Today was a good day!! I actually ran out of time at work!! Time flew by for a change.  Ran home to my chiro appt.  at 5:30.  My back feels better already.. not!!! Its sore from all the alignments.  I'm still going 3 times per week until my back gets used to getting aligned.  On my way to the appt I called my mommy, havent spoken to her in a while.  I love living on my own but I do miss my parents.  My drive home is to reconnect, except for today we kind of disconnected, litterly.  She got me so upset! Which never ever happens with her.  I tell her whats bothering me and its like shes not listening she just wants things to get fixed and for everything to be ok regardless of what happened..."you should always forgive and not have any drama with anyone" 
Umm I totally get that mom but come on let me just vent!!!  I didn't call you to have you lecture me just listen to me!!  As I'm saying all this my battery dies of course and I leave my mom hanging swearing I'm mad at her.  I can never be mad at my mom.  She's too nice..... 2 hrs later she calls me back asking why I hung up on her... poor mommy.
I watched I think its called "The New Age of WAL*MART" on cnbc.  I didn't get to watch the whole documentary but I'm intrigued.  It talked about Walmarts ups and downs.  Yes they bring lots of jobs but they pay so little most employees can't even afford insurance.  They also talked about the "sweat shops" in China.  Apparently Walmart is very much aware that they are not up to many peoples ethical standards and are slowly making big changes.  This is a very informative documentary because you hear both sides of the story Walmart is not just being attacked.  It is dealing and has something to say about all the issues that are brought to its attention.  I'm not saying that they are doing enough or that I'm on Walmarts side on anything its just refreshing to have both views and to hear both sides of the issues.
The New Age Of Wal*Mart Video Clip

Well here's to my first post.... Hurrah!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Good Stuff. Hopefully I get to try a few of those burgers soon :p
